As per latest reports, Sanjay Leela Bhansali is reuniting with Salman Khan another time once ‘Saawariya’, for a moving-picture show reportedly titled ‘Inshallah’. The film’s name was reportedly registered by Bhansali last month and a supply au courant a daily that the film producer might take six to nine months to end the draft. Reports additionally claim that Bhansali intends to start out shooting the film early next year. Since Deepika has been Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s muse ever since their 1st outing along ‘Goliyon Ki Raas Leela Ram-Leela’ until their latest blockbuster hit ‘Padmaavat’, he plans to solid her opposite Salman within the aforementioned moving-picture show. this can be the primary time once Salman and Deepika are sharing the screen along. The film has not been formally proclaimed.
Home BOLLYWOOD NEWS Is Deepika Padukone stellar opposite Salman Khan in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's next?
Is Deepika Padukone stellar opposite Salman Khan in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's next?
By Unknown At August 10, 2018 0